Our Kitchen

Sicilian Kitchen

Of Sicilian heritage, Rita is an artist who creates very original, light and wonderful dishes. With a variety of subtle flavours and beautiful colours, the meals her and her co-creator Stefano make are sure to be one of the most memorable moments in the day. 

Oh, Olive Oil!

Also, the extra virgin olive oil we use comes from our own olive trees which will be a mouth-watering experience if you’ve never tried pure, freshly pressed olive oil. We bake our own bread from ancient grain and other organic ingredients.

Fresh Ingredients

Most of the ingredients used in the meals come from our large garden next to the house. There you will find tomatoes, cabbage and courgettes growing happily together. The things we cannot grow ourselves come from organic origin.

Francesca’s Dolci

And last but not least there are the tempting and delicious cakes and pies that Rita’s mother Francesca makes – an unforgettable experience. She is without a doubt a master baker and pastry maker and her creations are always the cherry on the top after every meal.